With a new year comes new opportunities to shine…

With a new year comes new opportunities to shine. That’s what I’ve been thinking about over the holiday season. Saying that, I haven’t thought of any New Year’s resolutions, and probably won’t. But I really love the feeling I get when a fresh year begins.

I can remember the countdown to 2000; stood on the riverbank of the Thames and watching the fireworks unfold. I remember the Y2K meltdown that was supposed to have ended the Earth [never happened – shocker!], the Millennium Dome [now the O2 Arena] that sprung up and The London Eye [However for me, the most iconic parts of a city will always have organic characteristics; i.e. South Bank culture].

In the Year 2000, not to be confused with the Year 3000, I was 16. Well, 16 and a half. I’d finished my GCSEs [do they still exist?] 6 months earlier, and had just started adapting to life at Sir George Monoux College. Those were weird days. The kind of days where I thought music compilations like ‘Cream Anthems‘ were amazing and dressing like a 60 year old businessman were ‘cool’.

Thinking back to those days, they seem like literally minutes ago. The Year 2000 seems like a few years ago anyway; but 12 years? No way, it can’t be can it? Oh shit, it was.

And now, in the Year 2012 [despite what the Mayans might say], we have another year and a chance to start afresh. Not with everything, but with some things, and that main thing for me will be my new role as a Social Media Consultant at Fishburn Hedges. I also want to be closer with my parents, something I’ve avoided since nineteen-ninty-something, and really get to know them. I want to look at my life and external circumstances with more positivity. Finally, I want to be a better friend to those around me and, hopefully, meet a few new people along the way.

We’ve also got the European Championships in Poland/Ukraine, as well as the Olympics in London [super proud] to look forward to!

I think that’s it for now. And I was saying that I didn’t have any New Year’s resolutions… Lie!

Do you have anything you would like to change? New Year’s resolutions? Desires for the New Year? Or would you love for everything just to stay the same?

p.s. Look back at the picture at the top. I wonder how the 1’s decided which one was going and staying. Also, maybe the two 2’s from 2012 will battle it out next year. Weird, no?